Condo Business Intelligence User Benefits

Discover why Condo Life experience matters to us and how our Business Intelligence might be beneficial for Condo:

Owners, Tenants, Directors, Management, Investors, Realtors and Service Providers

Canadian households live in condos
0 %
of the population
Condos in Canada

Share of households living in condominums by census metropolitan area (CMA), 2016

Share of households living in condominums by census metropolitan area (CMA), 2016

Condo living becomes more and more popular in Canada
but a lot of owners face big challenges that spoil their Condo life experience: 

Condo Fees are High

Maintenance Fee does not match to a Quantity and a Quality of Services.
Because such expenses as repairs, replacements are not always financially efficient and actual replacements performance is not always controlled by the Board and even a Property Manager.
The services prices are not transparent, the choice of service providers is very narrow and sometimes, biased. As a result, maintenance fee growth outperforms inflation in times.

There is Lack of Communication

Condo Owners are separated and cannot discuss anything openly.
There is next to impossible to discuss Condo Services, Project Prices and Condo Problems within the building or exchange the experience with other Buildings, when people need it.
The Board of one building cannot share its opinion with another Board to get an efficient solution. As a result, the problems are not resolved on time in efficient manner.

Condo Service Market is not Competitive

Condo services prices are not transparent, service providers’ reputation is not always verified.
Absence of opportunity to make a decision based on a fair open tender in a competitive environment.
As a result, restricted choice of service providers and not always the best prices and a quality of services.

As a result, a high maintenance fee, not-resolved technical,
and other Condo living problems might spoil your Condo life experience.

We, CondoBI Canada, collect and analyze Condo related information
which helps Condo Owners, Board, Managers, Realtors to make right choices.


We connect Condo Directors and Owners with the Best Condo Service Providers 
to save people’s time and such connection should provide the best prices and the best quality of Condo services.

We also provide Condo communication channels to connect Condo owners
in a powerful community that is able to resolve all Condo related problems.


We believe our Solution will help to improve owners’ money efficiency and Condo life Experiences!

How Digital is the best approach to provide value added
and address your needs?

We built a unique Business Intelligence solution: 3 web services close together and designed in a user centric approach to fit your needs and scale it in a broader way (from Toronto to the other big cities in Canada):

is to provide Condo Services Market Prices Transparency and Comparability, to publish the information about the Best Condo Management Practice to follow and get a list of

the Best Condo Management Companies and Managers recommended.

the network, to connect Condo Owners with each others and make connections between thee Boards through private, internal and external channels of

communications inside and between Condos.

tendering platform is to connect condo Directors, Owners with the Best Condo service providers. It is innovative way to hire companies or employees. The platform is dedicated  to open equal l access to Condo Services Market for all qualified Service Providers, and improve Condo Services Quality and Prices.




of this Business Intelligence Solution



into self-regulated Fair, Transparent and Competitive

market where everyone is able to take advantage.

As a result, we bring the following User's Benefits to the market


Get a direct access to Condominiums’ Directors through:

-Showcasing your Condo Management Best Practice and been on the list of Best recommended 

-Quotes offers


-Sharing your Success Video or written story

-Problems sharing

-Advertising in the blog or on the pages

Get a direct access to Condominium through:

Business listing

-Advice Section

-Offering your Services using Open Public Digest

-Quotes offers

Fair Tender

Gt a direct access to condominium through:

-Sign Up and getting Notification about tenders

-Sharing your Success Video or Written Story

-Offering a Quote for your Public Profile and for a Monthly Rank

-Applying for Tenders

-Get a Review from the Owner

-Receiving Condominiums’ Invitation after a successful project


1. Your Condo with others

-Performance Indicators

2. Management Companies



And make a Right Decision!
Social network for Condo Owners and Directors:

-Secure private Digest within a particular Building

-Secure private Digest between Buildings

-Finding anybody’s Service and offering yours within your building and out
Fair Tender
Get the Best Condo Services and the Best Prices through:

-Posting Open Fair Tenders

-Direct Invitation of Contractors

-Making Reviews

-Getting a Monthly Ranks of the Best Contractors and Prices

-Save time Finding Companies or Employees
Compare different Condos based on your goals’ criterias using interactive ranking:
-Past periods average CapRate
-Past periods average Market Price Growth
-Past periods average ROI
-Other Past periods average indicators

Check Maintenance Fee and Main Amenities
Get a Valuable Information about Condo through:
-Public Digest
-Condo for Sale advertisements
-Condo Auction (coming soon)
Fair Tender
Find one of the Best Contractor:
-For Emergency repairs
-For Other nees
-On a Public Page
1. Your Condo with others
-Performance Indicators
-Reserve Fund Contributions
2. Management Companies

And make a Right Decision!
Social network related to Condo Life Experience:
-Closed private Digest within a particular Building-Closed private Digest between Buildings
-Selling your Condo without Realtor’s Commission
-Finding anybody’s Service and offering yours within your building and out
Fair Tender
Get the Best Services and the Best Prices for Condo Services through:
-Open Fair Tenders Publication
-Direct Invitation of Contractors
-Making Reviews
-Getting a Monthly Ranks of the Best Contractors and Prices
-Get faster the Best Contractors for your Condo
Compare different Condos based on your goals’ criterias using interactive ranking:
-Past periods average CapRate
-Past periods average Market Price Growth
-Past periods average ROI
-Other Past periods average indicators

Check Maintenance Fee and Main Amenities
Get a Valuable Information about Condo through:
-Public Digest
-Condo for Sale advertisements
-Condo Auction (coming soon)
Fair Tender
Find one of the Best Contractor:
-For Emergency repairs
-For Other nees
-On a Public Page
Get a direct access to Condominium through:
-Quotes offers, to be included in the Monthly Price Rank
-Problems sharing, to be included in our Video series
Get a direct access to Condominium through:
-Business listing-Advice Section
-Offering your Services using Open Public Digest
-Quotes offers, to be included in the Monthly Price Rank
Fair Tender
get a direct access to condominium through:
-Sign Up and getting Notification about tenders
-Offering a Quote for your Public Profile and for a Monthly Rank
-Applying for Tenders
-Get a Review from the Owner
-Receiving Condominiums’ Invitation after a successful project





service providers



1. Your Condo with others

-Performance Indicators


-Reserve Fund Contributions

2. Management Companies



And make a Right Decision!

Compare different Condos

based on your goals' criterias

using interactive ranking:

-Past periods average CapRate

-Past periods average

Market Price Growth

-Past periods average ROI

-other Past periods average


Check Maintenance Fee

and Main Amenities

Get a direct access

to Condominium through:

-Quotes offers, to be

included in the Monthly

Price Rank

-Problems sharing, to be

included in our Video




Social network related to

Condo Life Experience:

-Closed private Digest within

 a particular Building

-Closed private Digest between


-Selling your Condo without

Realtor's Comission

-Finding anybody's Service and

offering yours withing your

building and out

Get a Valuable Information

about Condo through:

-Public Digest

-Condo for Sale


-Condo Auction (coming soon)

Get a direct access to

Condominium through:

-Business listing

-Advice Section

-Offering your Services

using Open Public Digest

-Quotes offers, to be

included in the Monthly

Price Rank


Fair Tender

Get the Best Services and the

Best Prices for Condo Services


-Open Fair Tenders Publication

-Direct Invitation of Contractors

-Making Reviews

-Getting a Monthly Ranks of

 the Best Contractors and Prices

-Get faster the Best Contractors

 for your Condo

Find one of the Best


-for Emergency repairs

-for Other nees

-on a Public Page

Get a direct access

to Condominium through:

-Sign Up and getting

Notification about tenders

-Offering a Quote for

your Public Profile and

for a Monthly Rank

-Applying for Tenders

-Get a Review from the


-Receiving Condominiums'

Invitation after a

successful project

Infographic: Condo Business Intelligence User Benefits

Infographic: Condo Business Intelligence User Benefits
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